A Plan for Mompreneurs
Mompreneur (noun) — “An entrepreneur who mostly works from home while also working full time taking care of their families.”
If you’re not a mompreneur, but would like to be, we’ve put together a few tips to make your transition a little easier. If you’re a veteran mompreneur, and not feeling as productive as you once did, consider this a refresher article.
Develop Your Business Plan
You can’t build a house without a blueprint. Developing a business plan is absolutely crucial to the foundation of ALL businesses (virtual or in-person). Having a strong and structured business plan is one way to lay the path for your brand to follow. According to business advisor, Robin R. Haynes at Robin R. Haynes Consulting, a basic business plan should answer the following questions:
- Who are you (company name, mission, vision, etc)
- What product(s) or service(s) do you offer
- Who is your target market
- Does your product or service fit the needs, wants, and/or desires of your target market
- What do you want to get out of this business (mentally, financially, material, etc)
If your business ever reaches a point where it seems there is little or no progress, refer to your business plan to make sure it’s still relevant to what you’re actually doing.
Create a Business Checklist
After you’ve completed your business plan, create a work from home check-list. The to-do items on this list will set up your business for smooth operations and day to day functionality. Here are a few items that should be included:
n Add a phone line with a designated business phone number. With this number, your business will be listed where businesses can be found – like Google. Speaking of Google…they offer a FREE phone line for your mobile device. Just download the Google Voice app.
n Open a separate banking account for the business, especially for tax purposes. It is crucial that you keep business and personal finances separate.
n Get professional business cards with a QR code printed on it so that people can easily scan the code to transfer your contact info into their phones. A metal business card with a QR code is a great option for those who want to go paperless. Design and print your cards online – it’s low cost and convenient.
n Create a list of 20 people or companies you want to contact for business. To make the “cold calls” a little warmer, first send an email, then follow up with a phone call asking if they received your email. Try to make at least 3 new business calls per day.
n Keep track of communications, expenses, and billing by designating a folder and a job number to each new client.
n Find a bookkeeper who can help you set up your books properly.
Assign a Space for a
Home Office
If you have a spare bedroom, or extra space in a large room, use it to set up a home office. All you need is a desk, a light, a computer, pens, legal pads, and most importantly, a comfortable office chair. You can buy one online, or probably find a FREE used one somewhere in your community. Check Facebook Marketplace, NextDoor, or Craigslist. Assigning a workspace in your home helps to keep your business organized. Be sure to decorate your office space – place pictures of your family on your desk, hang paintings, or whatever makes the space “yours.”
These are basic steps you should take before you hang your shingle as we like to say. If at any point you feel that you need guidance for running your own business, consult with a business coach! You can hire one, or reachout to someone you know who has their own business.
Good luck to you! You got this!!