Upsidehustle March/April!
The March/April edition of the Upsidehustle is now available online with a special focus on Baltimore.
- Special resources list for side hustlers and small business in Baltimore
- An interview with Baltimore business coach and author, Robin R. Haynes
- Tips for side hustlers about potential tax issues and how to grow your Instagram account
- Ideas for possible side hustles maybe you haven’t thought of
- An interview with ShingleHanger business Kaitlyn’s Tutoring
- ShingleHanger product updates
- Verbal and non-verbal cues and how to turn your side hustle into a “profit center”
Great stuff this issue! Thanks to the ShingleHanger team for your awesome contributions and eagle eye proofreading and editing!
Click here for a PDF of the e-Zine if that is a better format for you.

Click here for a link to the Upsidehustle articles as posts!