Finding your side hustle community…
If you’re looking for tips and tricks to side hustling, go to Facebook.com/sidehustlepro. It is the first and only podcast to spotlight bold, Black women entrepreneurs who have scaled from side hustle business ownership to profitable businesses. The podcast lives at https://www.sidehustlepro.co.
Nicaila Matthews Okome began her side hustling when she worked at NPR as a digital marketer. Since 2017 her podcast as grown to over 4 million downloads and now works in her Podcast Moguls accelerator create and grow their own podcasts, grow their influence through targeted social media marketing and build a profitable business. You can hear her podcasts on Apple Music and Spotify.
“We all have talents and gifts we could be using for building a side hustle. I, personally, define a side hustle as a passion project you’d do even if you don’t make money from it. That’s how I got here with Side Hustle Pro.”
Tune in and turn on your creativity as a side hustler. Let ShingleHanger help you reach your dreams by managing your business correctly. Go to https://ShingleHanger.com to learn more.